Do you need a medical excuse, vaccine exemption, or mask exemption?

We offer medical excuses plus vaccine and mask exemptions from a licensed physician in all 50 states for the low cost of $50.

Frequently Asked Questions

Please reach us at if you cannot find an answer to your question.

After approval, Need My Excuse provides a legal physicians excuse, vaccine exemption, or mask exemption from a licensed physician in your state. It is sent to your email address which you have to then print out yourself (or show the picture of your excuse to whomever needs to see it).

We create and send you our legal physicians excuse or exemption which is the only legal requirement you need. We do not fill out other parties' paperwork. We do not cover FMLA, workman's comp, or disability paperwork. If anyone refuses to accept your legal physicians excuse or exemption, your next step is to contact a lawyer. Do not contact us asking to fill out other parties' paperwork as you will already have the legal excuse or exemption you need.

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